Saturday, March 12, 2016


Autumn Golden Wave 夕陽秋草不勝情
I did not get chance to go shooting these couple of weeks. Do miss the golden silver grass wave on the mountain area. Hope the rain can stop soon.

PS. 標題出自唐代,李嘉祐的「承恩量移宰江邑,臨鄱江悵然之作」。

大屯山主峰, 陽明山國家公園, 台北
Mt. Datun, Taipei, Taiwan
- ISO 100, F20, 1/8 sec, 16 mm
- Canon 5D Mark III with EF 16-35mm f/2.8 L Lens and CPL
- Sunset @ 5.15 pm(255º) / Shot @ 5.03pm
- Visibility 15 km(Yanmingshan) @ 5.00pm
- Humidity 76% @ 5.00pm

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